Friday 15 December 2023

356 The Time Warrior Part One

EPISODE: The Time Warrior: Part One
TRANSMITTED: Saturday 15 December 1973
Robert Holmes
DIRECTOR: Alan Bromly
SCRIPT EDITOR: Terrance Dicks
PRODUCER: Barry Letts
RATINGS: 8.7 million viewers
FORMAT: DVD: Doctor Who - The Time Warrior

"Look! Stars are falling!"

A silver ball like spaceship lands in the England of the middle ages. Local Warlord Irongron claims it as his own but a Sontaran officer Linx emerges claiming Earth for the Sontaran empire and requests Irongron's help in exchange for modern weapons so that he may attack local Lord Edward of Wessex. In the 20th century a number of top scientists have disappeared from a research establishment so the Brigadier has taken some of the remainder into protective custody and the Doctor has joined them. The Doctor meets Professor Rubeish, who is complaining at being kept there, and the journalist Sarah Jane Smith who is posing as her aunt, Lavinia, a noted virologist. She's heard what is going on and is there looking for a story. She begins to suspect the Doctor of being responsible. During the night the Doctor detects delta particles indicating a time disturbance. He & Sarah find Rubeish gone and the Doctor uses a device to detect the image of the armoured Sontaran Warrior. The Doctor traces his through time and follows him in the Tardis little knowing Miss Smith is aboard. The Tardis materialises in the forest scaring Edward's remaining archer Hal. The Doctor emerges and pursues the signal shortly followed by Sarah who disturbs Hal's shot at Irongron. He runs but she is captured by Irongron's warriors at which point the Doctor spots her and follows. He sees Linx enter the courtyard as he removes his helmet revealing the alien face underneath.

1z 1y

The story has it that Robert Holmes submitted his storyline for this story to his Script Editor as a report from a scouting Sontaran Hol Mes to his superior Terran Cedicks. It succeeded and the Time Warrior makes it to the screen introducing us to the Sontarans, a high technology warlike race, who are the sixth and final great race of returning monsters in Doctor Who.

1e 1f

The story also has the job of introducing the Doctor's new companion Sarah Jane Smith, who is well served by this episode getting a decent introduction. We discover Sarah is a journalist, that she has an Aunt Lavinia, who we will eventually meet in eight years time, and we get a quite clear view on her attitude to life & women's role in it.

We can't go much further with talking about Sarah Jane without mentioning that she wasn't the Third Doctor's original third female companion. At some point an unknown actress was cast in an unknown role but for unknown reasons the show did not proceed with her in the part. (page 336 of the The Doctor Who Television Companion) The information, and the why the companion wasn't used, was kept so secret that even noted Doctor Who historian Andrew Pixley (don't bother looking on Wikipedia: he's not the murderer listed there!) did not know her identity. Barry Letts took the secret to his grave with him and if Jon Pertwee knew he did likewise, leaving just Terrance Dicks as the only possible person who might have known - And he wasn't telling either!

Then while m'learned colleague Mr David Brunt was researching for Doctor Who - U.N.I.T Files: Invasion of the Dinosaurs and the Android Invasion he discovered a payment to an actress named April Walker. Further digging revealed that she'd been paid for the entire season and that she was the original Season 11 companion for the Third Doctor. You can see her in Fawlty Towers as Jean in The Wedding Party and in Yes Minister as Jenny Goodwin in The Moral Dimension.

c AW1 c AW2

So that then leads to the casting of Liverpool born actress Elizabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith. Born 1st February 1946 she was by this point married to the actor Brian Miller who we'll be hearing from later. She had appeared in Coronation Street, Z-Cars and Some Mothers Do Have Em so had some amount of television experience already. Sadly her Doomwatch episode, the 1972 third season episode "Say Knife, Fat Man" is missing from the archives.

c SJS1 c SJS2

A few actors only feature in this episode, such as Gordon Pitt who briefly plays Eric, Edward's squire. He was previously in The Wheel in Space as a Wheel Crew member.

c Eric c Soldiers

There's two UNIT soldiers guarding the scientists: the dark haired one on the left is David Cleeve, making his Doctor Who debut. He'll be back as an Ice Warrior in The Monster of Peladon, a Thal Soldier/Guard in Genesis of the Daleks, a Radation Suit Man in The Hand of Fear, An Other & Megro Guard in The Sun Makers and a Ceremonial Deon Guard in Meglos. His companion on the right is regular extra Steve Ismay who had been a BBC3 TV Crew member in The Dæmons, a Guerilla & Stills Cameraman in Day of the Daleks, Sea Devil in The Sea Devils, Varan's Bodyguard in The Mutants a Presidential Guard in Frontier in Space and a Security Guard in The Green Death. He's in every story this season playing an Army Soldier in Invasion of the Dinosaurs, an Exxilon and Exxilon Zombie in Death to the Daleks, a Guard in The Monster of Peladon & a Metebelis 3 Guard in Planet of the Spiders! He then returns as a Guard in The Deadly Assassin, a Leviathan Guard in Ribos Operation, a Gracht Guard & one of Zadek's Guards in The Androids of Tara, would have been a "Space Monster" in Shada, possibly a Cyberman, then plays a Citizen in Full Circle, a Cyberman in Earthshock and a Security Guard in Time Flight. He had been Man in the Doomwatch episode The Islanders & Flood, and then appears in The Sweeney as a Policeman in Cover Story, a Driver in Golden Boy and a Villain in Stoppo Driver. In Porridge he played a Prison Warden in A Night In and a Gardener in Happy Release while in The Tomorrow People he was in a Vesh Rebel in Worlds Away and an SIS Sergeant in The Dirtiest Business. In Blake's 7 he plays a Scavenger in Deliverance, a Guard in Dawn of the Gods, a Convict in Moloch and a Hommik in Power.

For the eleventh season of Doctor Who we get a new title featuring the famed Diamond Logo for the first time. You can watch it on YouTube if you've not seen it before but it is broadly similar to the Tom Baker sequence that replaces it after just 26 episodes. I remember my shock when putting the VHS of Death to the Daleks (the first season 11 story that I saw) in the machine and not seeing the familiar red, orange and green sequence.

1a Diamond 1b Streaks

What I love about this one is the very start of it with the streaks of light shooting towards the screen and resolving themselves into a tunnel. It's almost a shame this element isn't retained for it's replacement. Meanwhile the end titles are also revised with the diamond shaped tunnel, previously seen approaching us in the opening sequence, receding from us into the distance with the credits over the top. Good, but in this case Tom's version is far superior.

1c Tunnel 1d Part

From this episode onwards each episode (with one exception) is named "Part" and then the number of the episode within the story, replacing the word "Episode" used previously.

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